Monday, June 15, 2020

Enough is enough!

“This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won’t come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.”
John 3:19-21 

It has been said that when the pain or gain is great enough than you get out of your comfort zone and change happens.  I see that the country is in pain and so it is changing.  Look around, there is an uprise of people everywhere asking, pleading, no demanding that there be equality.  Yes black lives matter and they are the ones in an uproar, but to me all lives matter.

Yes all, the ones in jail, the crack heads, the mentally ill, the blacks, whites, mexicans, and any other race.  The lives of those who have dark history, those that make millions, those that are on the streets, straight people, LGBTQ+ people.  Those that have done me wrong, those that have hurt me, those that help me, and those that love me.  You get the point.  I don't need to go on.

I am tired of there being white privilege.  I am tired of there being people prejudged by their skin color, life choices, or sexuality.  I am tired of there being fights for rights.  And I am angry that there is any fight at all.  We are past that in my eyes, but are we?

We should have grown up as a world by now.  What happened that it all went so wrong?  Prejudice running wild.  Racism is a sin problem and choice to be that way.  Holding someone down is not right.

There is going to be change, but at what level?  I still see people not getting it.  I still see people thinking this is just a black thing.  I still see people hate on others who are different or hold a race to just certain jobs or careers.

I don't know what it is like to be another race or transgender or male as I am a white, lesbian woman.  I do know though what it is like to be homeless, not know when your next meal will come, to be spat at for another religion, to be hated on for being a lesbian, to have rights taken away, to not be free.

I stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ that are standing up for human rights to be equal.  Enough is enough!  We must show love to the loveless.  We must be kind when hated.  We must stand for those that can't stand!

So, yes black lives matter, but so do others.  Yes there needs to be equality for all, not just some.  Yes there needs to be a look at how we handle things.  And yes, authorities need to answer and be accountable!

Just so it is clear, more whites are killed by officers, but more so more mentally ill are killed, more trans or others in the LGBTQ+ commit suicide or are killed by officers.  What makes black lives more angered about things is that they are profiled before they even get a chance.  As a white woman, when I am pulled over I am treated with respect and dignity.  But when I walk with a girlfriend holding hands, I have had catcalls and slurs thrown my way.

Enough is enough!  I stand with those oppressed and pray for a day of equality!